Sleep – the key to well-being

Sleep is crucial to physical and mental health and sleeping well holds the key to a better quality of life. Here are the keys to restoring balance.

In our hectic daily lives, we can sometimes underestimate the importance of sleep, going to bed later and forgetting that a full night’s sleep depends on preparing for it during the day.

We experience a stressful pace of life, mental overload, short nights and unwelcome morning alarms, etc. It’s vital to rebalance ourselves by adopting good habits from the moment we get up until we go to bed, respecting our own rhythms and physical needs through a totally tailored approach.

Are you (really) getting a good night’s sleep?

Are you among the one third of the UK population affected by insomnia – in other words, poor quality sleep and not enough of it? If so, your accumulated sleep debt may be having all kinds of consequences for your body: low energy and decreased motivation, problems concentrating, stress, food cravings, health concerns, and more. A good night’s sleep is half the battle for good health, or so they say.

Sleeping well helps with:

• Good cell regeneration at night

• Efficient memory and cognitive processing

• Emotional balance and mental resilience

• Maintaining a healthy weight

• Strengthening the immune system

• Reducing chronic stress

Get back to good habits during the day as well as the night

A bad night’s sleep is often a sign that the circadian rhythms that govern our sleep/wake cycle are out of balance. Useful tips include: waking up at a set time and then drinking a large glass of water, getting outside in daylight for at least 15 minutes each day, stretching and doing some physical exercise, however gentle, every day. The enemies of good sleep include: Drinking caffeine after 3 pm, and blue light from screens that impedes melatonin production. Meditation, massage, reading, are all good ways to unwind a few hours before going to bed in a darkened room with the temperature between 18 and 20 °C.

To take things a step further and give everyone the chance to reprogramme their day/night rhythms, the experts at The Purist have developed the Renaissance Cycle. It promises to reconnect you with restorative sleep so you can regain your energy and vitality by holistically rebalancing mind and body. A unique personalised programme to lead you gently into peaceful slumber.

Sleep – a fundamental of the Renaissance Cycle

“Sleeping well means waking up refreshed.” Dr Alexandra Dalu is convinced of the truth of this. The anti-aging doctor and holistic consultant for The Purist has made sleep one of the pillars of her programme, alongside nutrition, treatments and movement. “There is a direct link between what we eat, our mood and hormonal balance, our sleep quality, our weight and our immune system – and vice versa. It’s a virtuous circle. If we eat well and exercise, we’re more likely to sleep well. And when we sleep well, our hormonal systems regulate themselves well. Respecting these 4 pillars of holistic well-being gives us the greatest chance of optimising our overall health.”

Following a diagnostic day at the Maison Epigenetic, a tailor-made week-long programme is designed, including physical activity, neuroscience-based rituals (Rebalance® Impulse), treatments, and meals based on the principles of energy-boosting cuisine. This personalised stay is the ideal recalibration, allowing you to completely rebalance yourself in tune with your own biological rhythms. Get back into good sleeping habits, renew your vitality and well-being and get plenty of expert advice to carry on the good work back at home. A brand-new start!

Book your Cycle at the Cures Marines Hotel & Spa Trouville MGallery or by phone at +33 2 31 14 26 00.