Superfoods, go-to ingredients for well-being

Healthy food, healthy body: discover the power of superfoods

Eating well is essential to staying fit, healthy and aging well. Eating well means adopting a balanced and varied diet, with fresh foods of high nutritional quality, enjoyed mindfully and in reasonable quantities.

However, our growing tendency to consume processed foods is often at the root of deficiencies that can lead to various ailments and pathologies, such as fatigue, anxiety, allergies, neurodegenerative diseases, and premature aging.

To make up for certain deficiencies and take good care of yourself, it is increasingly recommended to focus on foods with exceptional concentrations of nutrients. Introducing superfoods! Sébastien Jouen, sports coach and naturopath at the Cures Marines Hotel & Spa Trouville MGallery Collection tells us more!

What is a superfood?

Superfoods are 100% natural, raw foods with high nutritional value, and a source of countless benefits for the body and health in general. They contain far more essential compounds than other foods. They form the basis of a healthy diet, effectively supplementing our often inadequate intake of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, and enzymes.

Why should we eat superfoods?

When incorporated into our diet and eaten regularly, superfoods provide numerous benefits:

  1. 1. Boosting tone and vitality.

  2. 2. Protecting our cardiovascular system.

  3. 3. Strengthening our immune system.

  4. 4. Ensuring a healthy digestive system.

  5. 5. Supporting skin beauty and fighting cell aging.

  6. 6. Providing the right hormonal balance.

“It is not so much the superfood as what is contained within it that does us good. Magnesium, for example, helps to regulate more than 500 bodily functions.”

Which superfoods should we choose?

Fruit superfoods


This fruit is a powerful source of antioxidants (flavonoids, phenolic acids), vitamins A, C, E, K1, and B9, along with potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, and magnesium.

Blueberries improve your cardiovascular system (by lowering blood pressure), increase the capillary resistance of your blood vessels (ensuring better circulation throughout the body), and improve your cognitive functions (memory, neuronal protection), as well as acting as an intestinal antibacterial agent.

To preserve its health benefits, we recommend eating it raw, in a fruit salad, as a juice, or as an accompaniment to a dairy product, for example.


These are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. They aid digestion, boost the immune system, detoxify the liver, firm the skin, and add shine to hair.

Fruits with similar properties include apricots, blackcurrants, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and melons.


This is recognized as a superfood thanks to its exceptional level of antioxidants, vitamins (C and K), and minerals such as potassium. Its juicy, sweet grains are not only delicious, but also offer a multitude of health benefits. Above all, it promotes good heart health, supports the immune system, and reduces the risk of lots of chronic diseases.

Pomegranates also contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, making them a valuable ally in the fight against inflammation and joint pain. Regularly incorporating this fruit into your diet can help improve skin quality, reduce cholesterol, and even control your weight, making pomegranates an excellent choice for those looking to enrich their diet with nutritious, tasty foods.


Often hailed as a superfood, it stands out for its high content of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, particularly oleic acid. This creamy fruit is also a rich source of fiber, vitamins E, K, and C, and various minerals – it actually has a higher potassium content than a banana!

Eating avocados helps reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol while increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol, thereby promoting optimal cardiovascular health. What’s more, the high fiber content supports digestive health and helps maintain a feeling of fullness for longer, which can be beneficial for weight management. Avocados are also valued for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to improve the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients from other foods. Versatile in the kitchen, it can be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes, from salads to smoothies, making it easy – and delicious – to add this superfood to your diet.


A tropical fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, pineapple is a superfood with multiple health benefits. It is particularly renowned for its high levels of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system, and manganese, which is essential for a healthy metabolism and good bone health. Pineapple also contains bromelain, a unique enzyme that aids digestion and can help reduce inflammation and accelerate wound healing.

In addition to its positive impact on digestion and the immune system, pineapple is beneficial for cardiovascular health thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to lower the risk of blood clots. Meanwhile, its high fiber content supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Easy to incorporate into the diet, pineapple can be eaten freshly sliced, added to fruit salads and smoothies, or used in sweet and savory dishes, offering a juicy, refreshing note while delivering a multitude of health benefits.


Papaya is an exotic fruit prized not only for its sweet flavor and succulent texture, but also for its exceptional nutritional profile, making it a true superfood! Rich in vitamins C and A, papaya supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin thanks to its antioxidant properties that combat damage caused by free radicals. Papaya also contains a special enzyme, papain, renowned for its remarkable digestive capabilities, helping to break down proteins and aid digestion.

In addition to its digestive and skin benefits, papaya offers cardiovascular benefits thanks to its fiber, potassium, and vitamin content, which helps to regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Its high levels of antioxidants such as lycopene also boosts protection against certain cancers. Easy to incorporate into a balanced diet, papaya can be eaten fresh, in fruit salads, blended into smoothies, or used in exotic dishes, adding a tropical touch that’s also good for your health.


This is recognized for its many health benefits, making it a much-appreciated superfood. Rich in antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, it plays a key role in preventing urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from attaching themselves to the bladder wall. This berry is also a good source of vitamin C, which supports the immune system, and fiber, which promotes healthy digestion.

Along with its contribution to preventing urinary tract infections, cranberry supports cardiovascular health via compounds that can help reduce the risk of plaque formation in the arteries. Its antioxidants also help to combat oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Whether consumed in juice form, as a dietary supplement, or incorporated into recipes such as salads and desserts, cranberries offer a delicious and nutritious way to enrich your diet and enjoy their health benefits.


Coconut is often celebrated as a superfood due to its unique composition of health-promoting nutrients. It is particularly sought-after for its content of medium-chain triglycerides, including lauric acid, which can help boost your metabolism and strengthen the immune system. What’s more, coconut is an excellent source of fiber and provides essential vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, which helps maintain electrolyte balance and muscle function.

In addition to its nutritional benefits, coconut provides natural hydration thanks to its electrolyte-rich water, making it ideal for recovery after exercise. Meanwhile, its meat can be used to enhance dishes and desserts with a sweet, exotic flavor, while adding a rich, creamy texture. Coconut oil, extracted from the flesh, is also valued for its culinary properties and cosmetic applications, offering a natural alternative for skin and hair care. Incorporating coconut into both your diet and personal care routine can therefore offer a multitude of benefits for health and well-being.


This small, purple berry, grown in the rainforests of South and Central America, is hailed as a superfood for its exceptional concentration of antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which lend it its characteristic color. Its antioxidant compounds help combat oxidative stress and promote cellular health, reducing the risk of chronic disease. Rich in fiber and essential fatty acids such as omega-3, acai berries also support cardiovascular and digestive health. Although their vitamin and mineral content is modest, the overall impact of the nutrients makes acai an excellent complement to a balanced diet to promote general well-being.

In addition to its health benefits, the acai berry is renowned for its impact on weight and metabolism thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and its effect on satiety. Its unique flavor and texture, reminiscent of berries and dark chocolate, make it a popular ingredient in acai bowls, smoothies, and other nutritious preparations. Incorporating acai into your diet can therefore offer a delicious way to boost your intake of beneficial nutrients while enjoying a natural energy high.


Often referred to as a superfood, these fruits are famous for their exceptional concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Native to Asia, these little red berries are a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, and iron, and also contain protein, which is quite rare for a fruit! Their high antioxidant content, including carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, contributes to eye health while protecting against sun damage and supporting the fight against cellular aging.

Goji berries are also renowned for their ability to strengthen the immune system, improve stress management, and boost energy levels, thanks to their unique polysaccharide composition. Incorporating Goji berries into your diet can be as simple as adding them to your cereals, smoothies, and salads, to take advantage of their multiple health benefits while enjoying their sweet, slightly tangy taste.

Vegetable superfoods


Beets offer numerous benefits. They are an excellent source of antioxidants, with an unusually high content of betalains. It promotes eye and cardiovascular health and is also filled with micronutrients such as vitamins A, K, B1, B2, B6, B9, and C, copper, iron, manganese, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

“The brighter the color of the fruit, the richer it is in antioxidants!”


This also has strong antioxidant properties, as well as being rich in vitamin A, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin K.

Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw so as not to alter their nutritional value. If you prefer them cooked, then steam them.

For those with intestinal inflammation (which can have multiple causes including a lack of sleep, stress, and diet), the hard fiber in cruciferous vegetables such as kale can maintain this inflammatory state. It is therefore best to soften the fibers by steaming them. We also recommend eating carrots, cauliflower, and peppers (of all colors). In fact, all vegetables are superfoods to be included in our diet!


This is an essential superfood renowned for its high nutritional density. Rich in vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants like sulforaphane, broccoli plays a key role in physical well-being.

These bioactive compounds offer protection against chronic disease by neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation in the body. Broccoli is also a valuable source of minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and muscular health.

Its anti-cancer properties, particularly in the prevention of colon cancer, are well documented, making this green vegetable an excellent ally in maintaining cellular integrity and encouraging detoxification. Easy to incorporate into the diet thanks to its versatility in the kitchen, broccoli can be eaten raw in salads, steamed to preserve a maximum number of nutrients, and incorporated into a variety of dishes to give your diet a powerful nutritional boost.


A true superfood, spinach is packed with vitamins A, C, K, iron, and magnesium, which is essential for eye and cardiovascular health and good digestion. Its high antioxidant and nitrate content helps regulate blood pressure and protect against age-related diseases.

Easy to incorporate into a variety of dishes, from salads to smoothies, spinach enriches the daily diet with nutrients and fiber, supporting effective weight management and providing a feeling of satiety. Its culinary versatility and benefits make spinach a preferred choice for a balanced, healthy diet.

Superfood seeds


Nothing short of a nutritional treasure, chia seeds are famed for their significant contribution to a healthy, balanced diet. They are distinguished by their high fiber content, which is essential for healthy digestion and prolonged satiety, which can be beneficial for weight management. Rich in high-quality protein, they provide the essential amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth. What’s more, chia seeds are an exceptional source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, important healthy fats for the heart and brain which help to reduce inflammation.

In addition to their physical health benefits, chia seeds possess antioxidant properties thanks to the presence of antioxidants such as flavonoids. These compounds combat oxidative stress and cellular aging, offering a protective effect against many diseases. Their energizing effect is another plus, providing a lasting energy boost without the blood sugar spikes associated with refined sugars. Easy to incorporate into your diet, chia seeds can be added to smoothies, yogurts, and salads, or used as a thickener in dessert recipes. Their versatility and remarkable nutritional profile make chia seeds a must-have superfood for those looking to enhance their diet naturally and effectively.


Sesame is also a valuable source of fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins that help protect the cardiovascular system, promote hormonal balance, and strengthen the immune system.

Try sprinkling seeds on your salads and hot dishes. In addition to adding flavor and originality, they’re a nutritional powerhouse.

Whether pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, or hemp seeds, the best thing is to alternate and include them as often as possible in your diet.


In its raw state, it is recognized as a superfood for its many health benefits. Rich in powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, cacao helps reduce oxidative stress and fight cell damage. These beneficial compounds also promote cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation and reducing blood pressure. What’s more, cacao is a good source of magnesium, an essential mineral for nervous system function and muscle relaxation, which can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

Cacao also stimulates the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a key role in mood regulation and can contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Consuming cacao in its purest form, without excessive added sugars or dairy, maximizes its health benefits. Whether added to smoothies, sprinkled on fruit, or incorporated into healthy dessert recipes, cacao offers a delicious, nutritious way to enrich your diet with a burst of natural goodness.

Super grains


Nutrient-rich and seen as a superfood, quinoa is defined by its complete nutritional profile. Unique among plant sources, it provides a full range of essential amino acids, making it a go-to food for those following a vegetarian diet or looking to boost their intake of high-quality protein. Quinoa is also a good source of dietary fiber, which promotes digestive health, as well as important minerals such as iron and magnesium, essential for healthy body functions.

Quinoa is an excellent gluten-free alternative for people with gluten intolerances or sensitivities. Its rich antioxidant content helps combat oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to improved overall health. Easy to prepare and incorporate into a variety of recipes, from breakfast bowls to nutritious salads, quinoa offers a delicious, versatile way to upgrade your diet with its many health benefits.


Here is a nutritious, versatile food often ranked as a superfood for its multiple health benefits. Rich in soluble fiber, notably beta-glucans, oats help regulate blood cholesterol and stabilize glucose levels, making them a wise choice for people with diabetes or who are concerned about their cardiovascular health. They are also a good source of vegetable protein, B vitamins, magnesium and iron – ideal for supporting energy and muscle function.

In addition to its nutritional benefits, oats have anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve digestion thanks to their high fiber content. They are also enjoyed for their ability to provide a lasting feeling of satiety, which can help with weight management. Easy to add into daily meals, oats can be eaten as flakes for breakfast, added to smoothies, or used in the preparation of energy bars and other healthy recipes. Their versatility and benefits make them a must-have for a balanced, nourishing diet.

Nut superfoods


With their rich and varied nutritional profile, they rank among the beneficial superfoods to include in our diet. They are an excellent source of fiber, contributing to good digestive health and appetite regulation. Their high protein content makes them an ideal choice for vegetarians and vegans looking for alternative protein sources. The essential fatty acids they contain, particularly omega-3, play a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health by helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and lower levels of bad cholesterol.

In addition to their heart-healthy benefits, pecans are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E and flavonoids, which protect against cellular oxidation and premature skin aging. They also provide a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, boosting the immune system and supporting overall health. Thanks to their distinctive taste and crunchy texture, pecans can easily be added to a variety of dishes, from salads to desserts, or simply eaten as nutritious snacks. Introducing pecans to your diet is therefore a delicious and natural way to benefit from their multiple health-promoting properties.


These strengthen our immune system, fight cholesterol, boost our antioxidant defenses, and improve our physical and intellectual performance.

Pistachios and hazelnuts also come to mind, to be enjoyed (of course) raw, unroasted, and without oil or salt.

Walnuts and almonds can be incorporated into recipes. If you are feeling snacky, you should definitely choose them over processed foods such as cookies.

Did you know? Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and other nuts are even better when sprouted. Soaking them overnight in water removes the phytic acid that prevents germination and thus the proper assimilation of the micronutrients contained in the seeds. After soaking, the micronutrients (which are multiplied by around 500) are better assimilated by the body thanks to the enzymatic activity involved in germination.

Superfoods rich in omega-3


Salmon is widely recognized as a superfood, mainly thanks to its high omega-3 fatty acid content, which is beneficial for heart health and brain function. These essential nutrients help reduce inflammation in the body, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and support mental health. In addition to omega-3s, salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, B vitamins, potassium, and selenium, boosting the immune system and promoting fast muscle recovery.

Both delicious and easy to prepare, salmon can be cooked in numerous ways, from grilled to baked and even raw in dishes such as sushi. Incorporating salmon on a regular basis can contribute to a balanced diet, improving overall health and well-being. However, it is important to choose wild or organic salmon whenever possible to avoid contaminants, ensuring you can take full advantage of all its nutritional properties.


These are hailed as a superfood due to their exceptional nutritional profile. They are a complete source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids needed by the body – rare for a plant source. In addition to their high protein content, hemp seeds are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, in an ideal balance to support cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation.

These little seeds are also a good source of fiber, vitamin E, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron, contributing to healthy digestion, energy, and overall health. Versatile in cooking, hemp seeds can be sprinkled on salads, tossed into smoothies, and used in baking, offering an easy and delicious way to add a powerful food to your diet.

Superfood spices and herbs


Extremely rich in antioxidants, this spice is recognized for its powerful anti-inflammatory action. It protects the osteo-articular and cardiovascular systems, while supporting skin health by combating oxidative stress. Last but not least, it also promotes hair regrowth.

Don’t think twice about sprinkling it on your dishes for some extra pep and color!


This herb is also very rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C, B9, and K, along with iron, calcium, and manganese. It combats oxidative stress and stimulates gastric secretions for better digestion. Its diuretic effects also facilitate renal elimination. Other good spices and herbs include rosemary, cinnamon, basil, herbes de Provence, mint, coriander, and curry!

Superfoods algae and spirulina

Seaweed and spirulina are classed as superfoods because of their high nutritional density and wide range of health benefits. Thanks to their high water content, these marine foods are also a valuable source of vitamins (especially A, C, and E), complete plant proteins containing all essential amino acids, as well as minerals and trace elements such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Their chlorophyll content contributes to detoxifying the body, helping to purify the blood and promote good digestive health.

Among all the algae, spirulina stands out for its high levels of nutrients, offering enhanced immune support and increased energy. Chlorella, which is rich in chlorophyll, is renowned for its detoxifying properties, while lithothamnion, a calcareous seaweed, is prized for its bioavailable calcium content. These superfoods can be eaten fresh, offering maximum benefit, but are also available in powder and capsule form for easy incorporation into your diet. Sprinkling spirulina or chlorella powder onto salads or adding it into smoothies are both great ways to benefit from their nutritional properties. Adopting these marine superfoods as part of your daily life can contribute to achieving an optimal nutritional balance and supporting your overall well-being.

Superfood oils


Olive oil is rich in omega-9s, vitamins D, E, and K, and selenium. It regulates bad cholesterol levels, ensures good cardiovascular health, and has a positive effect on our arteries and blood. It also reduces the risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, and type 2 diabetes.

Of course, you should opt for organic, first cold pressed oil in glass bottles, made in France if possible. And to preserve its nutritional qualities, olive oil is best consumed raw.


Also very rich in omega-3, this oil strengthens our nervous system, supports the health of our cardiovascular system, promotes memory function, and preserves our eyesight.

The best thing is to mix oils to take advantage of all their benefits: olive oil, borage oil, wheat germ oil, cod liver oil, flax oil, and others to vary recipes and keep things interesting!

Other superfoods

In addition to the often-publicized superfoods, it is important not to overlook the nutritional benefits of everyday products such as apple cider vinegar, shallots, garlic, onions, lentils, and more! Each of these foods has its own health benefits, enriching our diet in simple yet effective ways. Cider vinegar, for example, is enjoyed for its beneficial effects on digestion and blood sugar regulation. Garlic, onions, and shallots, which are packed with sulfur compounds, offer antioxidant properties and help to strengthen our immune system.

Lentils, a source of vegetable protein and fiber, and bulgur, a nutritious alternative to white rice, are excellent for cardiovascular health and satiety. Replacing white rice with bulgur in your meals is a small change that can make a big difference, bringing more nutrients and variety to your diet.

How do you choose a high-quality superfood?

Choosing a quality superfood is crucial to maximizing its health benefits. This approach is rooted in seasonal, organic, ripe, and local produce wherever possible. This guarantees not only a wealth of nutrients, but also a reduction in the environmental impact associated with their production and transportation. Foods such as maca and acerola, from the Andes and the Mediterranean respectively, or camu-camu from the Amazon rainforest, are examples of superfoods whose quality can vary significantly depending on how they are grown and harvested.

When selecting superfoods, it is a good idea to ask about their origin, processing, and the time between harvest and consumption. For example, wheatgrass and cape gooseberry, consumed as juices or incorporated into plant milks, offer amplified medicinal properties when enjoyed fresh and organic. The bright red color of certain superfoods, as seen in Ayurvedic medicine, is often a sign of their high antioxidant content. Asian countries, renowned for their traditional use of plants with therapeutic properties, can remind us of the importance of origin and growing methods.

Including these food categories in your diet, taking into account their quality and source, can be a major ally in weight loss, improving vitality, and supporting the immune system. The quality and freshness of superfoods are non-negotiable criteria for taking full advantage of their exceptional properties.

What superfoods should you eat during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time when it is vital to pay close attention to the quality of your diet. Superfoods are therefore an essential part of your daily meals! As they are numerous and varied, they are especially to incorporate into your diet.

Rather than telling people what to eat, I prefer to remind everyone that it is important to avoid food additives, endocrine disruptors (never put a plastic tray in a microwave, for example), non-organic fruit and vegetables, processes dishes with long lists of ingredients, raw fish, alcohol, and cigarettes (and we can add passive smoking).

Remember, generally speaking, the fruits and vegetables that make us feel good are the ones that are meant for us. So trust your instincts!

Where can I buy superfoods?

Buying quality superfoods can be done in several places, each offering specific benefits. Organic stores and specialty grocery stores are often the best places to find a wide range of certified-organic superfoods, guaranteeing the absence of harmful pesticides and chemicals. These establishments generally offer products from plants that respect the environment and the well-being of local communities, such as maca, acerola, and camu-camu.

Local markets and food cooperatives are also excellent sources for buying fresh, local superfoods. They offer the advantage of supporting local producers while accessing seasonal produce, often grown in your region or neighboring countries, promoting freshness and reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation. For specific superfoods, such as wheatgrass or certain plants used in Ayurvedic medicine, exploring specialized online stores can prove useful. These platforms offer a wide choice of products, often accompanied by advice and information on provenance and cultivation methods.

Finally, for exotic superfoods or those from further-flung countries, Asian and international stores can provide interesting options. However, it is important to check the origin and organic certification of these products to ensure their quality. Whether you choose to buy your superfoods in-store or online, the key is to prioritize transparency, quality, and ethics to get the most out of these powerful allies for improving and maintaining your health.

What are the most powerful superfoods?

Among all the superfoods, some stand out for their exceptional nutritional density and profound health benefits.


An Andean root renowned for its energizing effects and support for hormonal balance, maca is often applauded for its potency.


Rich in vitamin C, it far exceeds conventional citrus fruits in terms of antioxidant content, promoting a robust immune system.


Another Amazonian berry also distinguished by its extreme concentration of vitamin C and flavonoids, offering powerful antioxidant protection.


Native to the mountainous regions of Asia, these are prized for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support vision, skin health, and longevity.


A plant packed full of chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals, it is a powerful natural detoxifier.


With its flavonoids and heart- and mood-boosting compounds, cacao, when eaten raw, is also a fantastic superfood for health-conscious chocolate lovers.


Already mentioned above, these are nutritionally complete plant-based superfoods, offering high-quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and a multitude of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These foods not only support digestive and cardiovascular health, but also contribute to a lasting feeling of satiety, which can help with weight management.

These and other superfoods are powerful allies in nourishing the body and mind, helping to combat oxidative stress, boost our natural defenses, and promote overall well-being. When included in a balanced diet, they offer comprehensive, powerful nutritional support for dealing with everyday challenges.