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*These prices are the "starting from" prices, they correspond to the lowest total price over a period of 15 days starting 7 days after today's date if no date has been selected by the client. These prices are the "starting from" prices, they correspond to the lowest total price for the day searched if a date has been selected by the client during the booking, based on one accommodation (room, bed, etc.) and other services for 2 guests. These prices may apply to types of rooms, apartments, or different characteristics. Depending on the country of the establishment, these prices may be either: pre-tax, including VAT only, or inclusive of all taxes (VAT and tourist tax included). When it is not stipulated that all taxes are included on a price, taxes (VAT and/or tourist tax) shall be indicated in the following steps of the booking process. All bookings, wherever they are made, are payable in the establishment's currency. Only the amount confirmed during the booking in the currency of the hotel is guaranteed. Conversion to the customer's currency is given for reference only and is not part of the contract. Costs linked to conversions between the hotel's currency and that of the customer (exchange rates, bank fees) shall be paid by the customer. Applicable to European citizens only: The combination of travel services offered to you is a package within the meaning of the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations (directive (UE) 2015/2302) as transposed in local laws. Therefore, you will benefit from all EU rights applying to packages as transposed in local laws. The hotel will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the package as a whole. Additionally, as required by law, the hotel has protection in place to refund your payments and, where transport is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event that it becomes insolvent. More information on key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.