Benefits of self-massage exercises to practise at home

At The Purist, we provide protocols for taking care of your skin. To maintain its benefits at home, practice daily self-massage.
At The Purist, we provide protocols for taking care of your skin. To maintain its benefits at home, practice daily self-massage.
Self-massage is based on the simple principle of stimulating specific energy points to prevent or relieve ailments. When practised daily, these exercises can have multiple positive consequences both for skin and for the body in general. Below is a list of just some of these.
1-Clear physical or emotional blocks.
2-Boost your health.
3-Enhance flexibility (in the epidermis, especially).
4-Relieve tension.
5-Eliminate toxins.
6-Promote longevity.
7-Improve your sleep quality.
As well as this, self-massage is suitable for all ages. It helps children become better acquainted with themselves as they grow. It is also a great way for pregnant women to reconnect with their bodies.
Start by settling into an environment conducive to relaxation. Next, create a gentle atmosphere by dimming the lights and diffusing relaxing essential oils (lavender is an ideal choice here.) You can also put on some calm, soothing music.
Before choosing which area to massage, warm up your hands. Now you are ready to get started. Beginning with the face, for example, you should always apply outward motions from the inside (or centre).
Dare to discover yourself and experience a variety of sensations, while making sure never to pull your skin downward. Instead, use motions that go in the opposite direction to gravity.
To learn about massage or to unwind completely, come discover our à la carte treatments, our cycles (i.e. one-day regimes) and our sequences (i.e. experiences offered over several days).
The first in The Purist Retreat & Spa